Layer 1
Reference project

Smarta Tak at Kronaskolan

Kronaskolan is an F-6 school with modern architecture, beautifully situated above Älvängen with a wonderful view of the Göta Älv and its surroundings. The school has a substantial schoolyard with many activity areas and an investment was made in an Ebeco smart roof installation to be able to play safely in winter.

Kronaskolan utomhus

Safety in focus

As a property owner, you have a responsibility to ensure that no passers-by can be injured by falling snow and ice. With heating cables in downpipes and gutters, you can easily avoid the formation of large and even life-threatening icicles, while also protecting the property from moisture damage.

Smarta Tak at Kronaskolan

Safety for the school's students and staff played a major role in the planning of the project. Great focus has also been placed on making the school as energy efficient as possible. Among other things, solar panels have been mounted on the roof. To ensure that both property and people are protected from ice, Ebeco's snow melting installation Smarta Tak was also installed.

Guide Kronaskolan Takinstallation

Peter Gustafsson, product manager at Ebeco, explains:

Smarta Tak is a snow melting installation that consists of a system of heating cables, energy-efficient control in the form of EB-Therm 800 and accessories. The system solution melts the snow and prevents icing. The purpose is to keep gutters and downpipes free for drainage of the water so that it does not freeze on its way down to the frost-free zone.

A total of over 800 metres of Ebeco's snow melting cable T-18 have been installed on the school's roof. When such a large installation is to be implemented, a good base and the right type of products are of the utmost important. Magnus Sandén from El-Otto, who installed the installation, says:

The Smartclip cable clamp has saved us a lot of time. Smartclip allows us to attach the heating cable without using glue and other things that hold us up. It is especially important when working in this environment, 4-5 metres above the ground, Magnus continues.

Guide Kronaskolan Takinstallation

Smartclip is a cable clamp that keeps the cable in place and securely fastened. It is available in different variants that make it easy to attach the cable to both the gutter and the eaves. Magnus says:

It took about two weeks to install everything. It takes time when you constantly have to be careful with safety and move the lift to the right place. Therefore, it has been very important that we have been able to save time on other parts of the installation, such as with the Smartlock junction box.

Smartlock is a custom joint and junction box that simplifies this step by allowing us to simply strip a few centimetres of the cable and connect it in the box.

Guaranteed simplicity

During installation of the roof system, Magnus used Ebeco's app, Garantera. It helps him easily keep track of the installation and make sure that everything is documented, that all cables are checked both before and after installation so that no cables are damaged during the process itself. This also means that the entire installation is assured and that the documentation is available over time.

Accessing Garantera, is very quick, you can get going with it immediately. Always having the test protocols with you on your mobile gives you good control over the project. It is noticeable that Ebeco has the user in mind both in its products and in this app, Magnus explains.

See our Garantera guide 

Products used

T-18 CT kabel grå

T-18 CT

Self-regulating heating cable

  • Part of our Smarta Tak solution
  • For asphalt and felt roofing
  • Självreglerande
  • W/m
    18-36 W/m
  • Löpmeter
    Running metres
T-18 CT
Smartlock gruppbild


Quick connection

  • For heating cable T-18/T-18 CT
  • For ELSR-N, -LS, -W
EB-Therm 800
Energy Saver

EB-Therm 800

DIN-mounted in standard design

  • Public environment, suitable for hotels
  • Snow melting installations
  • Industrial facilities
  • Display
  • Energiprogram
    Energy program
  • Knappar
EB-Therm 800
Smartclip samtliga


Cable clamps

  • For heating cable T-18/T-18 CT
  • For Frostvakt 25


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EL-Otto AB

The company was founded in 1974 and has over 60 employees who work with everything from design to electrical work and service.