Snow melting roof
Heating is a good solution for many types of cold weather problems. For example, snow in gutters and downpipes. Snow turns into ice and causes frost erosion in buildings. Or form icicles that can detach and cause far worse injuries such as personal injury. With a heating solution in gutters and downpipes, snow melts away before it can cause problems.

We provide a 10-year guarantee on our roof products.
Read more about our warranty conditions

Snow melting installations
A snow melting installation is a system of heating cables, smart control and accessories that prevent ice formation and cause snow to melt. The purpose is to keep a water drain-off channel open, to prevent the water freezing before reaching a frost-free zone. Snow melting installations are needed on most roofs.
All roofs are different, which is why we adapt the system specifically for each installation. The control is also adapted to the needs of each system. We have smart systems that take into account both temperature and moisture. The heating is only brought in when there is a risk of ice forming. This makes the snow melting system both energy-efficient and economical.
When we developed our solutions, we paid special attention to those who install our heating solutions. They should be quick, easy and safe to install.
Are you a property owner or do you represent a housing cooperative?
Do you want help with planning, quotation and installation of our roofing products? Our support service will be happy to help! Or are you looking for an electrical installer who can help with the installation? You will find contact information for companies that are familiar with our heating solutions under Find an installer.
As a property owner or housing cooperative representative, it is your responsibility to prevent snow from sliding off your roof. This entails both monitoring the risk and taking away the ice and snow that could be a danger. Any property owner/housing cooperative representative that fails to do this could be subject to criminal charges or a case for damages.
Smart solutions with heating cables in gutters and downpipes that counteract ice formation
Smartclip ensures fastening of heating cable T-18 in roof installations without damaging the surface layer. No bonding needed, which means you can get the job done regardless of weather conditions. Quick and easy installation and can be removed if needed.

Smartclip F – Cable clamp for mounting heating cable on eaves.
Smartclip U – Cable clamp for mounting heating cable in spout or funnel.a case for damages.

Smartclip T – Combined clamp for mounting heating cable and roof sensor in transition (hopper) between gutter and downpipe.
Smartclip H – Cable clamp for mounting heating cable in gutter.

Smartclip U – Cable clamp for mounting heating cable in spout or funnel.

The T-18/T-18 CT heating cable can be connected, branched and spliced quickly and easily using the Smartlock connection/splice box.

Smartclip M - Magnetic cable clip for mounting heating cables on magnetic surfaces.
Components of a Smarta Tak system
Self-regulating heating cable
- Part of our Smarta Tak solution
- For metal and plastic gutters and downpipes
18-36 W/m
Running metres
EB-Therm 800
DIN-mounted in standard design
- Public environment, suitable for hotels
- Snow melting installations
- Industrial facilities
Energy program
Electrical enclosure
Combined temperature and humidity control
- Snow melting installations
- Frost protection
- Underfloor heating
Energy program

As an electrical installer, with the free service, Garantera, you can document all your heating cable installations and send a digital guarantee certificate directly to the customer. You create a project, log all measurements and attach photos. When everything is ready, an email with everything will be sent to your customer. No more paper forms to keep track of.